My Daily Reads – 1

Let’s start with technology. That’s the stuff I read the most about and it’s my oldest passion.

Ars Technica

One of the oldest tech websites around. It was founded in 1998. I have been a follower for over a decade. The name means “art of technology” in Latin.

They cover technology news, policy and reviews of select hardware, software and games. Their coverage is extensive and very reliable. If you have to pick just one tech news to follow, I would say pick this.

Along with that, they have easy to read reporting of Science and Space. Most mainstream media can’t seem to get Science right. They just don’t seem to understand what they are talking about. Ars is accurate and yet not overly technical. I love the fact that they try to report on how far a scientific breakthrough is from actual production.

They cover cars too but it’s mostly US-centric.

They have RSS feeds for all their stuff or per topic. By default, their feeds have a summary. If you would like the full-text in the feeds, you can (like I have) take a subscription to Ars Pro.

Daring Fireball

Reporting about all things Apple by John Gruber. Really old blog. Simple. Insightful. He really “gets” Apple.

RSS Feed

The Stratechery

From the about page: Stratechery provides analysis of the strategy and business side of technology and media, and the impact of technology on society. Weekly Articles are free, while three Daily Updates a week are for subscribers only.

I discovered Ben Thomson and Stratechery only a couple of years ago and I wish I discovered it sooner. He is looking at things from a completely different perspective than everyone else. Connecting dots and forming new categories to make sense of all the changes occurring in the world.

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